The Internet offers a wealth of information about virtually any topic, and nursing home care is no exception. Here we offer links to a variety of useful websites that may assist you in the process of obtaining long-term or skilled nursing care for your loved one. In the interest of presenting the most reliable information possible, the sites listed here belong to either government agencies or non-profit organizations.
Related Guides
- What Services Does a Nursing Home Provide?A guide describing some of the medical and daily living services provided by skilled nursing homes.
- What Should I Look for when Visiting a Prospective Nursing Home?A guide to visiting skilled nursing facilities as part of the process of choosing a facility.
- How Nursing Home Quality is DeterminedA summary of the different measures used to determine a quality rating of a nursing home.
Since over 90% of nursing home patients are over the age of 65, and therefore eligible for Medicare, it shouldn't be surprising that Medicare offers a wealth of information resources related to nursing home care. Aside from the primary Medicare website at, here are two very important ones:
- Medicare Savings Programs: Each state (and the District of Columbia) has a program to assist those who have limited financial resources with paying Medicare premiums, copayments, and deductibles. Medicare offers a link to each state's program website at
- State Insurance Departments: Your state's insurance department can provide information on Medicare supplement insurance plans, pricing, and eligibility. Medicare provides a link to the website of each state's department at
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC's "FastStats" page includes up-to-date statistical information on nursing home care, such as the number of nursing homes in the U.S., the number of beds, the occupancy rates, and average length of stay. It also includes links to various reports on nursing home care, particularly the medical aspects of skilled nursing care.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
CMS has a consolidated list of links to the website of each state's Medicaid office.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Veterans may have access to additional benefits that can help pay for long-term care. More information is available on the VA website.
Military retirees aged 65 or older are eligible for Tricare for Life, which functions much like a Medicare supplement policy and therefore can help cover Medicare copayments for skilled nursing care.
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
OPM is responsible for the benefits of retired federal government workers. The health coverage extended to these retirees can help with nursing home care expenses.
This federal government website includes resources and links to many outside organizations, both public and private, such as the Federal Citizen Information Center and the Better Business Bureau. These groups provide consumer information to assist with decision-making, including the selection of a skilled nursing facility.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NIH's "SeniorHealth" website provides information on healthcare for the elderly, including extensive resources that address many health conditions that may require long-term or skilled nursing care.
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA)
AAHSA offers online resources to assist with all aspects of planning and choosing long-term care options, including nursing homes.
American Health Care Association (AHCA)
The AHCA's National Center for Assisted Living provides information to assist in the selection of a long-term care facility.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (Consumer Voice)
Formerly called the National Citizens' Coalition for Nursing Home Reform, Consumer Voice is an advocacy group that works for quality in long-term care by pursuing appropriate public policies and empowering consumers. Their website includes resources for choosing a nursing home and for addressing problems that may arise during care.
Administration on Aging
The Administration on Aging website includes resources for both the elderly and their caregivers.
Access America for Seniors
This government website is designed as a clearinghouse of government resources for the elderly. It's essentially a catalog of links to other reliable sites.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
Probably the best-known non-profit serving people over age 50, the AARP site has extensive information regarding Medicare and long-term care. AARP also provides access to resources such as Medicare supplement and long-term care insurance, which are naturally provided by for-profit companies and should be shopped and evaluated appropriately.